For reprints, email me: cprolian at ucalgary dot ca
Peer-reviewed articles (* denotes current or former trainees)
- Santosuosso, E., Leguillette, R., Vinardell, T., Filho, S., Massie, S., McCrae, P., Johnson, S., Rolian, C., and F. David, F. (2022). Kinematic Analysis During Straight Line Free Swimming in Horses: Part 2 - Hindlimbs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8: 761500 (open access)
- Marchini, M.*, Ashkin, M.R.*, Bellini, M., Sun, M. M.-G., Workentine, M. L., Okuyan, H. M., Krawetz, R., Beier, F., Rolian, C. (2021). A Na+/K+ ATPase Pump Regulates Chondrocyte Differentiation and Bone Length Variation in Mice. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9: 708384 (open access)
- Santosuosso, E., Leguillette, R., Vinardell, T., Filho, S., Massie, S., McCrae, P., Johnson, S., Rolian, C., and F. David, F. (2021). Kinematic Analysis During Straight Line Free Swimming in Horses: Part 1 - Forelimbs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8: 752375 (open access)
- Meier, J.I., Salazara, P.A., Kucka, M., Davies, R.W., Andreea Dréau, A., Aldás, I., Box Power, O., Nadeau, N.J., Bridle, J.R., Rolian, C., Barton, N.H., McMillan, W.O., Jiggins, C.D., Chan, Y.F. (2021): “Haplotype tagging reveals parallel formation of hybrid races in two butterfly species“. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2015005118 (open access)
- Unger, C.M.*, Devine, J., Hallgrimsson, B., Rolian, C. (2021) “Selection for increased tibia length in mice alters skull shape through parallel changes in developmental mechanisms” eLife 10: 67612 (open access)
- McCrae, P., Bradley*, M., Rolian, C., Léguillette, R. (2021). Water height modifies forelimb kinematics of horses during water treadmill exercise. Comparative Exercise Physiology 17:91-98 (open access)
- Rolian, C. (2020) “Endochondral ossification and the evolution of limb proportions“ Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs). Developmental Biology 9: e373 (link)
- Rolian, C. (2020) “Ecomorphological specialization leads to loss of evolvability in primate limbs“. Evolution 74: 702-715 (link, digest)
- Castro, J. P. L., M. N. Yancoskie, M. Marchini*, S. Belohlavy, L. Hiramatsu, M. Kučka, W. H. Beluch, R. Naumann, I. Skuplik, J. Cobb, N. H. Barton, C. Rolian†, and Y. F. Chan†. (2019). "An integrative genomic analysis of the Longshanks selection experiment for longer limbs in mice". eLife 8: e42014. († denotes equal contribution) (open access)
- Marchini*, M., Silva Hernandez*, E., Rolian, C. (2019): "Morphology and development of a novel murine skeletal dysplasia" PeerJ 7: e7180 (open access)
- Cosman*, M.N., Britz, H.M., Rolian, C. (2019): “Selection for longer limbs in mice increases bone stiffness and brittleness, but does not alter bending strength“. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb203125 (link)
- Diogo, R., Molnar, J.L., Rolian, C., Esteve-Altava, B (2018): “First anatomical network analysis of fore- and hindlimb musculoskeletal modularity in bonobos, common chimpanzees and humans“. Scientific Reports 8: 6885 (link)
- Marchini M*, Rolian C. (2018). Artificial selection sheds light on the cellular developmental mechanisms of limb diversity. Evolution 72: 825–837 (link)
- Larson, J.R., Manyama, M., Cole, J.B., Gonzalez, P.N., Percival, C.J., Liberton, D.K., Ferrara, T.M., Riccardi, S.L., Kimwaga, E.A., Mathayo, J., Spitzmacher, J.A., Rolian, C, Jamniczky, H.A., Weinberg, S., Roseman, C.C., Klein, O., Lukowiak, K., Spritz, R.A., Hallgrimsson, B. (2018). “ Body size and allometric variation in facial shape in children“ American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165: 327-342. (link)
- Cole, J.B., Manyama, M.F, Nikitovic, D., Gonzalez, P.N., Liberton, D.K., Wilson, W.M., Rolian, C., Larson, J.R., Kimwaga, E., Mathayo, J., Roseman, C.C., Santorico, S.A., Lukowiak, K., Spritz, R.A., Hallgrimsson, B. (2018). “Facial shape manifestations of growth faltering in Tanzanian children“ Journal of Anatomy 232: 250-262. (link)
- Farooq*, S., Leussink*, S., Sparrow*, L.M., Marchini*, M., Britz, H., Manske, S., Rolian, C. (2017). “Cortical and trabecular morphology is altered in the limb bones of mice artificially selected for faster skeletal growth” Scientific Reports 7: 10527 (open access)
- Molnar, J.L., Esteve-Altava, B., Rolian, C., Diogo, R. (2017). Comparison of musculoskeletal networks of the primate forelimb. Scientific Reports 7: 10520. (open access)
- Heard, B.J., Beveridge, J.E., Atarod, M., O’Brien, E.J., Rolian, C., Frank, C., Hart, D.A., Shrive, N.G.,(2017): “Analysis of Change in Gait in the Ovine Stifle: Normal, Injured, and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructed” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 18: 212 (open access)
- Sparrow*, L.M., Pellatt*, E., Yu*, S., Raichlen, D.A., Pontzer, H., Rolian, C. (2017): “Gait changes in a line of mice artificially selected for longer limbs” PeerJ 5, e3008 (open access)
- Pavličev, M., Mitteroecker, P., Gonzalez, P.M., Rolian, C., Jamniczky, H. Pardo‐Manuel Villena, F., Marcucio, R., Spritz, R., Hallgrimsson, B. (2017): “Development Shapes a Consistent Inbreeding Effect in Mouse Crania of Different Line Crosses“. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B 326: 474-488 (link)
- Cosman*, M.N., Sparrow*, L.M., Rolian, C. (2016): “Changes in shape and cross-sectional geometry in the tibia of mice selectively bred for increases in relative bone length” Journal of Anatomy 228: 940-951 (link)
- Marchini, M.*, Sparrow, L.M.*, Cosman, M.N.*, Dowhanik, A.D.*, Krueger, C.B.*, Hallgrimsson, B., Rolian, C. (2014). "Impacts of genetic correlations on the independent evolution of body mass and skeletal size in mammals". BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 258 (open access)
- Manyama, M., Larson, J.R., Liberton, D.K., Rolian, C., Smith, F.J., Kimwaga, W., Gilyoma, J., Lukowiak, K.D., Spritz, R.A., Hallgrimsson, B. (2014). "Facial morphometrics of children with non-syndromic orofacial clefts in Tanzania" BMC Oral Health 14: 93 (open access)
- Rolian, C., and Gordon, A.D. (2014). "Response to Almécija and Alba (2014): On manual proportions in Australopithecus afarensis" Journal of Human Evolution (link)
- Rolian, C. "Genes, development and evolvability in primate evolution". Evolutionary Anthropology 23: 93-104 (link)
- Rolian, C., and Gordon, A.D. (2013). “Reassessing manual proportions in Australopithecus afarensis“. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 152: 393-406 (link)
- Venkataraman, V.V., Rolian, C., Gordon, A.D. and Patel, B. (2013). "A resampling approach and implications for estimating the Phalangeal Index from unassociated hand bones in fossil primates". American Journal of Physical Anthropology 151: 280-289 (link)
- Martínez-Abadías, N., Mitteroecker, P, Parsons, T.E., Esparza, M., Sjøvold, T., Rolian, C., Richtsmeier, J.T. and Hallgrímsson, B. (2012) "The developmental basis of craniofacial variation in humans and mice" Evolutionary Biology 39: 554-567 (free PMC article)
- Hallgrímsson, B., Jamniczky, H.A., Young, N.M., Rolian, C., Schmidt-Ott, U., Marcucio, R.S. (2012). The generation of variation and the developmental basis for evolutionary novelty. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B - Molecular and Developmental Evolution 318: 501–517. (free PMC article)
- Rolian, C., Lieberman, D.E., Zermeno, J.P.* (2011). “Hand biomechanics during simulated stone tool use”. Journal of Human Evolution 61: 26-41 (link)
- Nelson, E., Rolian, C. Cashmore, L., Shultz, S. (2011). “Digit ratios predict polygyny in early apes, Ardipithecus, Neanderthals and early Modern Humans but not in Australopithecus”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 278: 1556-1563. (free PMC article)
- Manyama, M., Rolian, C. Gilyoma, J., Magori, C., Mjema, K., Kimwaga, E., Mazyala, E., Hallgrimsson, B. (2011). “The pattern of orofacial clefts at Bugando Medical Centre in Mwanza, Tanzania”. BMC Oral Health 11: 5 (open access)
- Jamniczky, H., Boughner, J., Rolian, C., Gonzalez, P., Powell, C., Schmidt, E., Parsons, T., Bookstein, F., Hallgrímsson, B. (2010) “Mapping the epigenetic landscape: rediscovering Waddington in the Post-Genomic Age”. BioEssays 32: 553-558 (link)
- Pontzer, H., Rolian, C., Rightmire, G.P., Lordkipanidze, D., Jashashvili, T., Zollikofer, C. and Ponce de Leon, M. (2010) “Locomotor anatomy and biomechanics of the Dmanisi hominids”. Journal of Human Evolution 58: 492-504 (link)
- Rolian, C., Lieberman, D. and Hallgrimsson, B. (2010) “The coevolution of human hands and feet”. Evolution 64: 1558-1568 (link)
- Hallgrímsson, B., Jamniczky, H., Young, N.M., Rolian, C., Parsons, T.E., Boughner, J.C. and Marcucio, R. (2009). “Deciphering the palimpsest: studying the relationship between morphological integration and phenotypic covariation“. Evolutionary Biology 36: 355-376 (free PMC article)
- Rolian, C. (2009). “Integration and evolvability in primate hands and feet“. Evolutionary Biology 36: 100-117 (link)
- Rolian, C.. Lieberman, D., Hamill, J., Scott, J.* and Werbel, W.* (2009). “Walking, running and the evolution of short toes in humans”. Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 713-721 (open access)
- Rolian, C. (2008). "Developmental basis of limb length in rodents: evidence for multiple divisions of labor in mechanisms of endochondral bone growth”. Evolution & Development 10: 15-28 (link)

- Boughner, J.C., Rolian, C. (eds) (2016) Developmental Approaches to human evolution, Wiley, Hoboken NJ (link)
Book chapters
- Rolian, C., (2021) “The role of bone and cartilage cells in the evolution of bipedalism”. In: Evolutionary Cell Processes in Primates: Bone, Brains and Muscle Volume I, Pitirri, K., and Richtsmeier, J.T. (eds.), Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 19-61
- Rolian, C., Carvalho, S. (2017): “Tool use and manufacture in the last common ancestor of Pan and Homo”. In: Chimpanzees and human evolution, Muller, M.N., Wrangham, R.W., Pilbeam, D. (eds.), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 602-644
- Rolian, C. and Boughner, J.C. (2016). Chapter 1: "Introduction to Evolutionary Developmental Anthropology". in Developmental Approaches to human evolution. Boughner, J.C. and Rolian, C. (eds), Wiley, Hoboken NJ, pp. 1-16
- Rolian, C. (2016). Chapter 8: "Tinkering with growth plates: a developmental simulation of limb bone evolution in hominoids" in Developmental Approaches to human evolution. Boughner, J.C. and Rolian, C. (eds), Wiley, Hoboken NJ, pp. 139-166
- Rolian, C. "The role of genes and development in the evolution of the hand" (in press). In: The Evolution of the Primate Hand: Perspectives from Anatomical, Developmental, Functional and Paleontological Evidence. Kivell, T., Lemelin, P., Schmitt, D. and Richmond, B.G. (eds). Springer, NJ, pp. 101-130
- Carroll, R. L., Boisvert, C., Bolt, J., Green, D. M., Philip, N., Rolian, C., Schoch, R. and Tarenko, A. 2004. “Changing patterns of ontogeny from osteolepiform fish through Permian tetrapods as a guide to the early evolution of land vertebrates”. In: Recent Advances in the Origin and Early Radiation of Vertebrates. G. Arratia, R. Cloutier, and M.V. H. Wilson (eds). Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, Munchen. Pp. 321-343
Other publications
- Rolian, C. (2017). “Primate Hands”. In: The International Encyclopedia of Primatology, Agustin Fuentes (editor-in-chief), Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 531-534.
- Rolian, C.. and Willmore, K.W. (2009). “50 years of morphological integration: patterns and processes of integration in biological anthropology”. Evolutionary Biology 36: 1-4.